Wednesday, 17 November 2010


This front cover is from the 'mass market' magazine; KERRANG! From a first glance of this magazine, it looks very busy, it looks like it has a lot too offer, which would excite the reader into knowing that there is a lot of articles, things too find out inside. There are a lot of pictures on this contents page, showing a lot of famous singers,and there CD covers. Advertising the CD's to the reader. The contents page also advertises other kerrang magazines. On this specific magazine it also has an 'editors note' maybe saying what inspired him to do the magazine, thanking everyone who made it possoble. The subheadings are shown clearly with yellow writing contrasting on a dark background showing the reader where to look, and making it easy too find what they want. The main heading saying 'contents' is also very easy too spot making the reader looking at it so they can find out whats in the mgazine.

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