The checks on this picture would be invisible, i decided to cut out my models because i didnt want the background to be in my main image. I did this by using the 'erase' tool in PAINT.NET. I then used the 'feather' tool to make sure that my main image looked precise and neat: so it looked like it would actually be a big brand music magaizine.
I then played along with the effects to change my picture.
I was not happy with this picture because it was too bright. I had put the brightness tool up too high. I was not pleased with this because 'The Pretty Suicides' are supposed to be a 'punk, indie, teenage' band, portraying a 'rock chick, 'we dont care?' look. Which the brightness did not go well with this, it needed to be much darker in brighness, matching the 'house style' of my magazine and portraying my band as not a 'fun, loving, happy' band, but a 'sheek, out there, mysterious tennagers' that are just doing there thing.
I then played with the effects some more and came out with an image in which i was happy with.
Here is the image which i was happy with for a potential main image for UNDERGROUND magazine. I was happy with this picture because the brightness and contrasting tools that i have used are just right. They give off an impression on a 'indie, rock' band. The brightness isn't too bright which is what i wanted, their eye make-up is still dark and you can still see their faces perfectly well.
Here is the second image which i cut out on PANIT.NET and also feathered to give it a finishing touch.
I then played with the effects and I turned the brightness down to give a 'darker' look to the image. Giving it a cutting edge and original authenticity to it. Like the picture above it gives off the image that i want to portray to my audience.